Your personal data may be processed by SEV Yayıncılık Eğitim ve Ticaret A.Ş. ("SEV-YAY) as the data controller in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data numbered 6698 (“Law”) within the scope below.


  1. Purpose of Processing Personal Data


Your personal data, to be collected in order to fulfill our obligations regarding the membership relationship to the Digital Dictionary Application, will be processed for the management of membership transactions, to enable you to benefit from general and special campaigns, promotions, discounts, and similar opportunities within the Digital Dictionary Application, and to monitor and analyze the matters and transactions to be carried out in this scope in accordance with the main principles stipulated under the Law and within the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the Law.


  1. The Scope of Transfer of Your Personal Data and its Purpose


Your personal data may be shared and transferred to public institutions and organizations upon request in accordance with the Law, to intermediary organizations that ensure the implementation of the rights and obligations arising within the scope of the execution of the Digital Dictionary Application in connection with the purpose, to the affiliated companies of the Foundation, to public authorities and relevant business partners upon request. The purpose of personal data processing and the purpose of data transfer are in line with each other.


Additionally, the information of the users who provided communication permission will be transferred to the İleti Yönetim Sistemi A.Ş. for the management of communication permissions in accordance with the Commercial Communications and Commercial Electronic Messages Regulation.


  1. Method and Legal Grounds for Collecting Your Personal Data


Your personal data is collected by partially automated means within the scope of the Digital Dictionary Application. Your personal data are processed based on the legal ground for the performance of the contract in accordance with Article 5/2/c of the Law. In addition, in the event of sending out commercial electronic messages, explicit consent is used as the legal basis.


Your data provided during the signing-up process are below;

  • Name - surname, 
  • E-mail, phone number
  • Username, password,
  • Billing information



The above data is collected through;


  • Automatically saving the shared contact information in the event of providing the contact consent,
  • Saving the data shared by the user during the signing-up phase to the system


  1. Applying to the Data Controller and Your Rights


Pursuant to Article 11 of the Law, as a data subject, you have the following rights:

  • to learn whether your personal data are processed,
  • to request information if processed,
  • to learn the purpose of processing and whether they are used in accordance with this purpose,
  • learn the third parties to whom the data is transferred domestically / abroad,
  • to request correction of your personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing and to request third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred be informed as to the respective correction,
  • to request the deletion or destruction of personal data in the event of elimination of the reasons requiring its processing regardless of the fact whether it has been processed in accordance with the Law and relevant legislation, and to request third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred be informed as to the respective transaction,
  • to object to the occurrence of an unfavorable result due to analysis exclusively by automated systems
  • to request compensation for the losses in case of damage due to processing of your personal data in violation of the law.


You may submit your requests regarding your above rights to us in accordance with the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Controller. You can send your information and application requests to the e-mail address of [...] or [...] by mail and direct them to us. Depending on the nature of your request, your applications will be finalized free of charge as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest; however, if the transaction requires an additional cost, you may be charged a fee according to the tariff to be determined by the Personal Data Protection Board.




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